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15 Illustrator Add-ons That Will Blow Your Mind by Peter M

In Design, Uncategorized on September 1, 2016 at 2:23 pm

From Creative Market, this is worth checking out:
15 Illustrator Add-ons That Will Blow Your Mind

Here is a preview list:

1. Catalist

Catalist helps you manage your next design project by creating powerful, easy to use lists within your CS applications. Useful if you’ve got a bunch of resources like a client emails, graphics, or web page links that you need to keep in one place. Be sure to check out the video to see how simple it is.


2. Gold Rush For Illustrator

This powerful plugin gives you all the metallic, glitter and foil effects you could ever ask for. It includes 174 swatches for you to use in Adobe Illustrator when you’re after that glittering look.


3. VectorPress: Illustrator Press

After that sought-after vintage look but want to keep your artwork in a vector format? VectorPress for Illustrator lets you apply rough ink, halftone, distressed or gravel looks in seconds.

See the rest at Creative Market