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Archive for the ‘Online/Interactive’ Category

HAHAHAHAHA – The world’s most interesting intern

In Cool Treatment/Idea, Marketing, Online/Interactive, Social Media on June 29, 2010 at 9:10 am

This is hilarious.  It’s probably going viral.  I’d be curious to know if it was a part of Cisco’s strategy or just something goofy the intern did on his own.  If it was thought out, was it for consumers, b-to-b or both?

Sports Illustrated Digital Platform

In Competitive landscape, Mobile, Online/Interactive on June 3, 2010 at 2:07 pm

Not sure how I feel about this exactly but you can definitely see an evolution of content delivery solutions.

Social Media Video

In Advertising, Mobile, Online/Interactive, Research, Social Media on May 27, 2010 at 11:42 am

This has been a week of weird connections; convergences between a discussion or random comment and the object or a symbol of that discussion showing up. Which is why it makes sense that we were just discussing that video where they tout huge numbers of what will be happening in XX years and that same night, a video crosses my path called the Social Media Revolution- an update to the exact video we were talking about. So, here it is:

How to get a job

In Advertising, Cool Treatment/Idea, Online/Interactive on May 27, 2010 at 12:00 am

This is a lesson in knowing what you want, and knowing how to get it.

Lewis Howes’ Social Media Success Summit session

In Inspirational/Advice, Marketing, Mobile, Online/Interactive, Social Media on May 19, 2010 at 10:45 am

As some of you know, I’ve been taking part in Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Success Summit this month. It’s a series of live webinars on a variety of Social Media topics. The sessions have all been very interesting and the few of us that are taking it here in the office are planning on a lunchtime mini-conference where we will exchange our thoughts and take-aways from the sessions.

Today on Mashable (easily my go-to site these days), Lewis Howes presented an article that recapped his session: Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn. Its not just about getting a job, its about how to use LinkedIn for business…and a little about optimizing yourself on LinkedIn, as well.

There is so much information on this Summit that we’d love to share. While it would be wrong to repost their info, I can share this with you because the author posted it publically on Mashable.

13 Essential Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the best places online to find a job, period. It’s also a great place to connect with top decision makers, generate targeted leads for your business, drive traffic to your website, and more.

Read the full article…

Free Download: The New Rules of PR

In Inspirational/Advice, Marketing, Online/Interactive, PR, Social Media on May 12, 2010 at 8:44 pm

The esteemed David Meerman Scott, PR and Marketing expert and best selling author offers a free eBook on his website:

I have his book The New Rules of Marketing and PR and its an interesting read. Admittedly, I haven’t finished it, but that’s because I’m suffering from some crazy ADD lately. I mean to finish it, I want to finish it. In the meantime, there is this free eBook that probably synopsizes it nicely anyway. There is no catch, he’s not trying to collect names – he is just into information sharing. And that’s a nice thing.

Additionally, Hubspot is also offering a free video webinar on PR 2.0 Press Releases for Modern Inbound Marketing
 along with a 50 pg free eBook pdf. They require that you provide your information (probably to pitch you at a later time) but its still all free.

If you have an interest in PR, its yours for the downloading.

First the iPad, now Facebook. Magazines make a move.

In Competitive landscape, Online/Interactive, Social Media on May 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm

On the heels of yesterday’s post on Vanity Fair launching for iPads today, Mashable (easily my new addiction since I downloaded the app to my 4-year-old son’s iPod Touch – which I bring on my daily commute) had this article about the future of magazines – offering subscriptions and the ability to share articles within Facebook. 

At first read I was all for it. I love magazines, I love FB. Why not? The programming will allow a pop up of the article to show up within FB. For me, once I’m on a site, I don’t want to go off of it. If someone posts an interesting article or video, I don’t want to lose my place on any site, so I usually open in a new tab.  Magazines on FB makes perfect sense to me. Articles popping up – like that, too.

At least in theory. Nevermind the many, many research/marketing/measurement questions this new potential marriage raises with all of FB’s non-disclosure policies. An entire post could be devoted to that. Just from the consumer side, I have a host of questions: Will the pages be served with ads like when you watch a full episode of your favorite show on a network’s site online? Am I going to be forced to wait through X-seconds of advertising before I’m allowed to read the content? Will it be printable? Lets face it, no one REALLY likes to read long articles on screen. Given the choice, people want to print it out. Will it be free? If Jane Doe subscribes and shares her article (BTW – I foresee huge leaps in pass along numbers) do I have to pay to read it? None of these are dire questions, just curious.

We have been hearing so much lately of the death of print and seeing title after well established title fold under the weight of interactive media. I am heartened to see the many ways my beloved magazines are branching out and soaring to the new millenium.

I’ll stay tuned to Mashable for upcoming news. Meanwhile, you can read their short article here.

The Next Big Platform for Magazines Could be Facebook

Today, Vanity Fair for the iPad appeared in Apple’s App Store. This summer, the title — and many others — may be available directly in your Facebook newsfeed.

Synapse, a subscription marketing agency that works with major magazine publishers like Condé Nast, Hachette Filipacchi and Hearst, is working with with Alvenda, a company that specializes in Facebook shopping applications, to enable publishers to sell subscriptions directly on Facebook Pages and even in users’ newsfeeds beginning in July or August.

AdAge(AdAge) reports that the tools will allow users to share articles with friends that can then be expanded into dynamic pop-ups on their newsfeeds, complete with ads and directions to subscribe to the magazine elsewhere on Facebook.

Read more.

Another Title Goes Mobile

In Competitive landscape, Editorial, Mobile, Online/Interactive on May 11, 2010 at 10:42 pm

Starting on Wednesday, lucky early adapters will have the opportunity to buy Vanity Fair for their Apple iPads. According to this article, the regular price will be the same as newstand costs. I wonder if subscription costs will be less, like the print versions. What I am not sure of is WHY the $4 cost per issue? With print, you pay per issue because there is the cost of paper, ink, shipping, etc. But this will be electronic, so the costs decrease (and profits increase) with each paid reader. And in the world of Apps at the cost of and average of $2 – and a ton of them for free… how will they justify the newstand cost for a virtual magazine?

I am curious to hear how many will flock to these print to interactive media publications and how this will really change the face of magazine publishing as we know it today.

Beware of advertising

In Advertising, Online/Interactive, Uncategorized on May 11, 2010 at 11:16 am

Just thought this was interesting: 

The government set up this online game for kids to learn about advertising and not be fooled into thinking something is edit when it’s actually advertising.  I guess this is a sign that the line has officially been crossed.

Cellphone Payments Offer Alternative to Cash

In Marketing, Mobile, Online/Interactive, Uncategorized on April 30, 2010 at 9:23 am

You win a bet, but the loser does not have enough cash on him to settle it. If he has a credit card, and most people usually do, there is finally a solution. A number of big and small companies — including eBay’s PayPal unit, Intuit, VeriFone and Square — are creating innovative ways for individuals to avoid cash and checks and settle all debts, public and private, using their cellphones. (read the article)